Editions Musicales Françaises (EMF), reliure à spirales, 1998, format A4, 206 pages. Très bon état y compris le CD. Superbe méthode pour débutant en Djembé. 206 pages. Avec un CD.
Suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced players looking to refine their skills. Overview : The "Play Piano in a Flash!". Suitable for beginners and advanced players alike, this set provides step-by-step guidance on popular songs and music theory essentials.
You can also use the notated scales (in treble clef) with key signatures alongside the illustrations to help your learning process, perfect if you are going through your grades (ABRSM, Trinity or Rock School).
Publish Year : 2017. Language : Persian. It takes 2-4 weeks to receive after placing your order. Including 2CDs.
Liano è una vera e propria piuma! Nonostante la tastiera 88 tasti e l'amplificazione interna pesa solo 6,2kg (circa 200g in più installando le 6 batterie AA opzionali). Liano è quindi facile da trasportare e riporre a seconda delle esigenze.
Completa senza essere invadente. Scatenati con l'overdrive analogico o digitale, a seconda dei brani che stai suonando. Dopotutto, le gioie del tweaking non dovrebbero essere solo per le orecchie. Questo ti dà accesso a distorsione e filtraggio analogici e un paio di LFO con cui modulare il tutto.
Simply refer to the illustrations for a huge variety of chords and scales, perfect for beginners that can’t read music. You can also use the notated scales (in treble clef) with key signatures alongside the illustrations to help your learning process, perfect if you are going through your grades (ABRSM, Trinity or Rock School).
This musical sheet is perfect for those looking to improve their fingering skills on the piano. Written by Carlo Albanese and published by Ricordi, it is an excellent resource for music enthusiasts of all levels.