Our sets boast high-quality bricks, ensuring a superior building experience. Our mission is to provide brick builders with affordable options to pursue their passion without financial constraints, allowing them to turn their creativity into profit.
New exclusive family inside. We will also check wherever possible. Unbox furniture and move in.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to carefully read the following information before finalizing your order. set, but 100% compatible with the orginal. - Utilize Bricks Crafted from Premium-Quality Plastic ?.
Long-tailed tit father, long-tailed tit mother, baby long-tailed tit (pink outfit), baby long-tailed tit (yellow outfit), baby long-tailed tit (blue outfit). Set contents. 230 x 45 x 130 (m).
Puppenmöbel, Sofa. Sofa: L: 45 cm, T. 18 cm, H: 28 cm, (42300).
– Paket beinhaltet:12 Stück Tischbeine. Aber ich hoffe, dass diese niedlichen Miniaturobjekte uns unsere Sorgen vergessen lassen können. Lasst uns unsere eigene Miniaturwelt erschaffen. In dieser Welt wird alles von uns selbst entschieden, es gibt nur Schönheit und Glück.
About Importer's Obligation.